Friday, October 23, 2020

Case Study #89 - Patricia Relaying for Life

"Patricia Relaying for Life"
Oil on Canvas. 30" x 24". 2020.

While growing up in Jackson, TN, Patricia and her family had never heard of NF. Their doctor told the family it was just fatty tumors. When Patricia's brother was a teen, she was in her early 20s. He started having some serious issues and was sent to a neurologist and that was when the family learned exactly what they had. Patricia had a fairly normal childhood. Looking back now she can see some issues that were probably because of the NF. She and her siblings inherited NF from her mother. Patricia's sister and two brothers also had NF. Her mother as well as her sister and one of her brothers died from NF related cancer. 

Prep Sketch 
Patricia had breast cancer and had a mastectomy 6 weeks before her daughter, Amber died from her NF related brain cancer. Amber was only 24 when she passed away. Her son Justin has NF too. Her son's case is relatively mild. When Amber was little, Patricia and her husband were not planning on having anymore children because Amber's NF was severe. Amber was born with a brain tumor, optic glioma, and a mass in her neck. Amber had the brain tumor removed at 1 year. The Lord surprised and blessed them with Justin. Patricia is so thankful for both of her children.

Patricia attended Tennessee Vocational Technical earning her LPN in 1974. She retired from nursing in 2015 the same year she celebrated 10 years as a cancer survivor by participating in the Relay for Life walk.

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