Thursday, March 25, 2021

Case Study #98 - Keith Thinking about Life

"Keith Thinking about Life" Oil on Canvas. 30" x 24"

Keith Jones was diagnosed at 8 years old due to his mother noticing a few fibromas on his chest. Keith is not sure of his biological dad's background or that side of his family so he isn't sure if his NF is spontaneous or inherited from that side. He and his brother grew up with a stepfather who was in the military which meant traveling and living in new places including Guam, Utah, North Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas and lastly Arizona where he currently lives now.

Keith graduated in 1988 and worked in a warehouse for years before he got his commercial driver's license. He has been an over the road driver for more than twenty years now. He has three children, two boys and a girl. The two boys, now teenagers, both have NF and the daughter seems to have signs, but no formal diagnosis. Over the years he has had a few fibromas removed and has most of them concentrated in his trunk area and back. Keith receives his care at Thunderbird Family Medicine and Valley Wise Health. Even with some of the minor surgeries, Keith feels fortunate to not have had many surgeries nor the bullying that others with NF have endured. He considers himself blessed.
"Keith Thinking about Life" prep sketch

Keith is looking to be more active in the NF community in Phoenix. In Keith's words, "I don't live with NF. NF lives with me it is what makes me stronger & more compassion towards other elements of life."

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Case Study #97 - Seth Playing the Piano


"Seth Playing the Piano" Oil on Canvas. 30" x 24" 2021.

Seth Gregorash is in his early 20s and was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF1) when he was 6 months old. He was born with a bowed leg, which an x-ray revealed to be caused by Pseudarthrosis; a condition that affects the strength of the bones and their ability to heal. This required him to wear a brace throughout his childhood to protect his tibia from breaking. As he grew, cafe au lait marks began to appear on his body. These “birthmarks” are another symptom associated with NF that helped the doctors confirm the diagnosis. 

Prep Sketch
Seth’s parents were actively involved in learning about NF and helped him grow up to understand the challenges he may face. In 2007, his family helped start a registered charity support group for Manitobans with NF. Throughout his school years Seth had to take many long trips to doctor appointments and for MRIs to monitor the growth of the plexiform tumor in his chest. This caused him to miss many things like friend’s birthday parties, and made it difficult to participate in events like choir and band concerts. At first Seth enjoyed the “limelight” of being a bit of a celebrity for NF, but as he got older he became more overwhelmed with the inconveniences of NF and just wanted to live a normal life like his friends. 

Seth is a very kind person who will always go out of his way to help those in need. He enjoys graphic design and web development and has graduated from college in this field. With a natural ear for music he is drawn to anything to do with rhythm and sound. He has been playing piano most of his life, played trumpet in the high school band and enjoys “dabbling” in other instruments like guitar and ukulele.